Aatrox is a fighter who can play in the Solo Lane or Jungle. Aatrox's playstyle mainly revolves around his healing and combos. At first glance, Aatrox might not seem like the most challenging champion. However, he has a high skill ceiling when it comes to his combos to deal the most damage possible. Aatrox excels in duels and teamfights thanks to his mobility, which gives him backline access.
Make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page for playing Aatrox in the jungle.
Enhances Aatrox's next auto attack to deal bonus physical damage and heals him.
The cooldown is reduced by a few seconds when Aatrox hits a champion or large monster with an attack or ability. Aatrox's passive will be available when the yellow bar underneath his health bar is full. Try using Aatrox's passive on a champion rather than minions because you heal much more. Only trade with an enemy champion when Aatrox's passive is up since the enhanced auto attack does a lot of damage.
Aatrox swings his blade, dealing physical damage. Enemies hit on the edge (sweetspot) will be knocked up and dealt bonus damage. This ability can be recast two more times, with each cast dealing more damage.
This ability has three forms. A straight line, a horizontal line and a circle. The sweetspot for the lines is on the very tip. However, for the circle, the sweetspot is in the centre.
Aatrox can use Flash and Umbral Dash to change the position of this ability and help him hit the sweetspots. You should always aim to hit enemies in the sweet spot since it will deal substantially more damage.
Aatrox sends a chain, slowing the first enemy hit and dealing physical damage. If a champion remains within the area after a short time, they will be dragged back to the centre and damaged again.
Aatrox can combo Umbral Dash alongside this ability for an easier hit. Enemies will often try to run outside the area, so try to hit Aatrox's Darkin Blade to knockup enemies while they're escaping. This will end up with Aatrox winning the trade.
Passive: Aatrox gains Physical Vamp against enemy champions, which is increased during his World Ender.
Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this ability while winding up his other abilities.
Umbral Dash resets Aatrox's auto-attack animation. This will help him auto-attack twice in a short amount of time. Aatrox's Umbral Dash is all of his mobility. He'll mainly use this to catch enemies with Darkin Blade or when you need to disengage a fight.
Aatrox unleashes his demonic form, gaining Attack Damage, increased Healing and Movement Speed. Champion takedowns extend the duration of World Ender's effect.
Before entering a team fight, it's essential to use World Ender. This is where Aatrox's damage gets boosted and makes catching enemies much easier.
Eclipse boosts Aatrox's potential by giving him extra damage when hitting champions with combos. This allows him to take more damage and gain a shield for a short time.
Trinity Force synergizes great with Aatrox's Deathbringer Stance. When both passives are available, Aatrox's next auto attack will deal a lot of damage.
Sterak's Gage is an excellent choice as a tank item. The shield from the passive will help Aatrox turn fights around.
For runes, we have the following:
Conqueror allows Aatrox to fight for an extended time, and the increased damage helps as an extra source of healing for Aatrox's abilities.
Courage of the Colossus is great when feeling confident that you will hit enemies in the sweet spot.
Alternatively, you can pick Nullifying Orb as a more reliable rune when you are not so confident.
Bone Plating helps Aatrox take reduced damage from melee champions that want to fully engage.
Second Wind is a great choice when playing against poke damage.
Overgrowth gives Aatrox permanent health throughout the game, making him more difficult to kill.
Perseverance is another great choice against Crowd Control.
Sudden Impact increases Aatrox's damage when dashing with Umbral Dash, increasing the damage from his auto attacks and abilities.
Giant Slayer is another great option when playing vs Bruisers and Tanks that build a lot of Health.
Aatrox does well during the early game. Hitting enemies in the sweetspot from The Darkin Blade helps Aatrox when farming and trading against enemy champions. Aatrox cooldowns in the early game can be a problem, so try not to waste your abilities and use them only when necessary. When you need to play safe, you can use Umbral Dash to get away to safety from a gank or dodge any abilities coming your way.
In the late game, Aatrox's main goal is to peel your carries and focus on locking down the enemy carry. The best thing you can do is to group with your team and focus on the objectives. During teamfights, World Ender's movement speed and extra damage make a huge difference, so try only to fight when your ultimate is available.
Overall, Aatrox is a strong champion to play in the Solo Lane or Jungle. Practice hitting enemies in the sweet spot, and you'll be able to win every trade and fight easily.
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