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Level 1 Caitlyn Stats

Health 600
Health Reg. (5s) 6
Mana 345
Mana Reg. (5s) 12
Armor 35
Magic Res. 30
Move Speed 335
Attack Dmg. 54
Attack Spd. 0.83

Caitlyn's Abilities


Every 6 attacks fires a Headshot, dealing 27 (50% AD + 125 Critical chance) bonus physical damage. Trapped or netted enemies trigger a Headshot that has double range.

Attacking from brush builds Headshot twice as fast.

1Piltover Peacemaker
Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
Cost: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Fires a narrow piercing bullet that deals 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 (+ 125% / 140% / 155% / 170% AD) physical damage. Hitting an enemy expands the bullet, but reduces subsequent damage by 40%. Always deals full damage to trapped or netted enemies.
2Yordle Snap Trap
Cooldown: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Cost: 20 / 20 / 20 / 20

Sets a trap that enemy champions can spring, immobilizing them for 1.5 seconds and Revealing them for a short duration. Traps last for 30 seconds and 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 can be active at once.

Trap charging time: 27 / 22 / 17 / 12 seconds.

390 Caliber Net
Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10
Cost: 75 / 75 / 75 / 75
Launchest a net, knocking Caitly backwards. The net deals 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 (+80% AP) magic damage and slows by 50% for 1.5 seconds.
4Ace in the Hole
Cooldown: 65 / 55 / 45
Cost: 100 / 100 / 100

Lines up the perfect shot, Revealing an enemy champion for 1.5 seconds before dealing 200 / 375 / 550 (+200% bonus AD) physical damage plus 20% of their missing Health.

Enemy champions can intercept the bullet before it hits their ally.

Caitlyn Build Guide for Wild Rift

Build Caitlyn with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire's build guides. Whether you are completely new to Caitlyn or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Caitlyn's abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Caitlyn is ranked Tier A (Duo Lane) in our Champion Tier List
Caitlyn ADC
The Sheriff of Piltover
Show Champ Stats
Patch 6.0d
Recommended Role Duo Lane

Caitlyn's Item Build

Starting Item
Long Sword
Long Sword
Core Items
Magnetic Blaster
Magnetic Blaster
Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder
Gluttonous Greaves
Gluttonous Greaves
Final Build
Magnetic Blaster
Magnetic Blaster
Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder
Infinity Edge
Infinity Edge
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel
Gluttonous Greaves
Gluttonous Greaves

Caitlyn's Spells & Runes

Summoner Spells
Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo
Coup de Grace
Coup de Grace
Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Alacrity
Bone Plating
Bone Plating

Caitlyn's Situational Items

vs Ability Power
Guardian Angel
Wit's End
vs Tanks
Guardian Angel
Blade of the Ruined King
vs Crowd Control

Caitlyn's Situational Runes

vs Tanks
Coup de Grace
Giant Slayer

Caitlyn's Skill Order

Headshot Headshot (Passive)
Piltover Peacemaker
  • Piltover Peacemaker
Yordle Snap Trap
  • Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net
  • 90 Caliber Net
Ace in the Hole
  • Ace in the Hole
Quick Skill Order
Piltover Peacemaker
Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net

How to play Caitlyn

Caitlyn is a marksman who can be played in the Duo Lane. She has the highest base attack range in the game, and because of this, she is one of the strongest early/mid-game marksman. When it comes to teamfights, she can play safe whilst dealing damage from far away. Yordle Snap Trap gives Caitlyn a unique way to play around towers and objectives. These traps can be used to zone enemies away from choke points and objectives, allowing her to deal damage without being threatened.


Caitlyn's Abilities


Every 6 attacks fires a headshot, dealing bonus physical damage. Enemies Trapped or Netted from Yordle Snap Trap and 90 Caliber Net trigger Headshot. If Caitlyn attacks from brushes, she builds Headshot twice as fast.

There is an indicator underneath Caitlyn's mana bar that shows how many attacks you have done. Once the last bar turns red, her next attack will be a Headshot. Use the brushes to your advantage. You'll be able to threaten the enemies more often when farming from a brush.

Piltover Peacemaker

Caitlyn fires a narrow piercing bullet that deals physical damage. Hitting an enemy expands the bullet but reduces subsequent damage. Caitlyn always deals full damage to trapped or netted enemies.

Piltover Peacemaker is great when needing to push/clear minion waves. If an enemy is standing away from minions, use Piltover Peacemaker in a bush to deal full damage. When enemies step on a trap, auto-attack before using Piltover Peacemaker for the highest damage output.

Yordle Snap Trap

Caitlyn sets a trap that enemy champions can spring, immobilizing them for a second and revealing them for a short duration.

Traps are best placed in chokepoints and narrow passages for zoning control around objectives. If you tap the button, the trap will always go underneath the closest enemy champion. This is good when the enemy has already been crowd-controlled by your allies. However, when kitting away from enemies, manually using the traps underneath you is the best way to protect yourself when running away. Traps only last for 30 seconds, so don't waste them and always think ahead.

90 Caliber Net

Caitlyn launches a net, knocking her backwards. The net deals magic damage and slows for just over a second.

Use 90 Caliber Net to dodge abilities and disengage from enemies. Caitlyn can also use the Net to get over walls and terrain. If you hit 90 Caliber Net, she can combo this with Piltover Peacemaker and Headshot to get the maximum damage output.

Ace In The Hole

Caitlyn lines up the perfect shot, revealing an enemy champion for just over a second before dealing physical damage. Ace in the Hole will do more damage to enemies that have more missing health.

It's important to know that enemy champions can intercept the bullet before it hits their ally, so timing Ace in the Hole will be crucial.

Caitlyn Build Breakdown

Magnetic Blaster
Mortal Reminder
Infinity Edge
Guardian Angel
Gluttonous Greaves - Stasis

Stormrazor gives excellent stats for the early game. The movement speed & slow from the energized passive greatly benefit Caitlyn when she's auto-attacking with her long attack range.

Magnetic Blaster offers Caitlyn more attack range every few seconds. This helps you with kiting and poke with your auto-attacks and passive Headshot.

Infinity Edge is a massive power spike. It gives the most attack damage, and your critical strikes will deal more damage.

Onto the runes, we have:

Lethal Tempo

Lethal Tempo increases Caitlyn's range and the extra attack speed means Caitlyn can proc her Headshot more often.


Brutal gives Caitlyn more damage with her auto attacks. With her long range, she can use this to her advantage and auto-attack often during the laning phase.

Coup de Grace

Coup de Grace provides additional damage that helps burst enemies when they are low on health.

Giant Slayer is another good option when playing against bruisers and tanks that build a lot of health.

Legend: Alacrity

Alacrity gives Caitlyn more attack speed, synergizing well with her kit and build.

Bone Plating

Bone Plating is an excellent choice for surviving all-ins from enemy champions. As the carry for your team, you'll get a lot of focus from the enemies.


Flash is a must-have Summoner Spell. Use it to dodge skillshots and escape enemies. When you have Headshot available, Flash can also be used to get into range to kill the enemy.

Ghost helps Caitlyn reposition during teamfights and gives her the space to auto attack.

Early Game

Caitlyn is one of the strongest early games champions, thanks to her high base attack range and abilities that allow her to play poke and play aggressively. To maximize her damage output, mix in auto-attacks and her abilities and take advantage when Headshot is available, which happens often when auto-attacking from brushes. Be careful when using 90 Caliber Net aggressively, as it has a very long cooldown early on, so you might get caught without a way to escape.

Late Game

In the late game, Caitlyn's primary role is to deal consistent damage from the backline. In teamfights, positioning is the most important thing. Stay behind your frontline, keeping a safe distance from assassins and bruisers. Sometimes, it's best to keep auto-attacking instead of using abilities in between since you'll have so much attack speed and damage. When enemies step on a trap, be sure to auto-attack them for the increased damage and use 90 Caliber Net to reposition and create space during fights.


Caitlyn is a great beginner-friendly champion to play. Her long attack range and abilities make her an easy champion to master. 

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