Fiddlesticks is an AP assassin who is played in the jungle. He uses his crowd control and damage to scare and fear enemy champions from darkness, allowing him to assassinate any enemy that might walk into his path. Fiddlesticks has one of the biggest game-changing ultimates in the game. Crowstorm allows you to blink from darkness, doing huge AOE damage, and can easily allow you to get Penta Kill.
After a champion or epic monster takedown, Fiddlesticks summons a Scarecrow to where they were killed. The Scarecrow fears nearby enemies after charging for a few seconds. The scarecrows can be removed by attacks while charging.
A Harmless Scarecrow makes Fiddlesticks very scary during teamfights when enemies are grouped, especially around epic monsters. Once Fiddlesticks gets one takedown, he can start doing huge AOE damage.
Passive: While out of combat and stationary or not visible to the enemy team, Fiddlesticks' next damaging ability additionally fears targets hit.
Active: Fiddlesticks summons crows in a straight line skillshot, dealing damage equal to a percentage of the target's current health. If the target was recently feared by the passive, then the damage would be doubled.
You always want to ensure you don't use Terrify at the start of the fight. Wait until you fear the target, then use Terrify to deal the most damage. This is especially useful when using his ultimate Crowstorm out of vision to fear the entire enemy team, allowing Fiddlesticks to do a lot of damage.
Fiddlesticks siphons the souls of nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and healing himself by draining health from enemies. The last strike from Bountiful Harvest deals additional damage.
It's important to note that you can move and use other abilities when using Bountiful Harvest. So, as soon as you fear an enemy champion, use this ability to guarantee the full charge damage from this ability.
Fiddlesticks slashes the target location with its scythe, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area and slowing them for over a second. Enemies in the centre are also silenced.
Reap is a skillshot, and hitting an enemy in the middle is essential when doing Fiddlesticks all-in combo to silence enemies so they can't escape.
Fiddlesticks channels for just over a second then blinks to a target location and summons Crowstorm, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies for 5 seconds.
It's best to start channelling Crowstorm when out of vision, usually over walls where enemies don't have wards. This will surprise all enemies and fear them, thanks to the passive Terrify. After that, Fiddlesticks can use his other abilities to assassinate and one-shot any enemy champion.
Awakened Soulstealer increases Fiddlestick's burst damage potential, and when you get a takedown, it decreases all of Fiddlestick's cooldowns.
Rabadon's Deathcap gives Fiddlesticks a massive boost of Ability Power, which scales incredibly well into the mid and late-game. Deathcap is essential to have in your build to increase your burst damage.
Infinity Orb gives Fiddlesticks critical damage on his abilities when enemies are low on health making it easier for an assassin like Fiddlesticks to one-shot enemies.
With runes, we have the following:
Since Fiddlesticks will be using his abilities (especially Crowstorm) out of vision to try and fear enemy champions, he will always be the first one dealing damage, allowing you to deal a lot of True Damage.
Gathering Storm is the best option in this selection. This will help Fiddlesticks gain a lot of Ability Power in the mid and late-game, allowing you to deal more burst damage to enemy champions.
When engaging with Crowstorm Fiddlesticks can do a lot of burst damage. Coup de Grace can help Fiddlesticks do more damage to low-health enemies to finish them off.
Giant Slayer is another good option when playing against bruisers and tanks that build a lot of health.
Bloodline synergises well with the healing from Bountiful Harvest. Also, with the amount of Magic Damage you deal, the healing can be very beneficial to keeping you alive.
When using Crowstorm, Fiddlesticks gains additional true damage to deal more damage to any enemies walking in his path.
With Fiddlesticks, he doesn't have the best one vs one potential early game vs other junglers. Instead, Fiddlesticks wants to fully clear the jungle to reach Level 5 as soon as possible. Once Level 5 has been reached, this is where Fiddlesticks can roam around the map and gank any lane with his Ultimate Crowstorm.
This is what the jungle path would look like:
1. Blue Sentinel
2. Gromp
3. Wolves
4. Raptors
5. Red Brambleback
6. Krugs
In the late game, Fiddlesticks wants to use the enemy's darkness to his advantage. If he can surprise enemies by using his ultimate out of vision and fear everyone, he can carry any teamfight. Make sure to take Sweeper to ensure the enemies don't have vision on you when you ultimate. This is vital to securing the fear on enemies. When playing Jungle, your main job is to keep track of when Dragon, Rift Herald and Baron spawn. Taking these epic monsters will give you and your team a massive advantage in the game.
Fiddlesticks is a very fun champion to play. As you learn how to piolet him, you will find it easier to carry games on your own. The thrill of laning a game-changing ultimate is hard to beat.
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