Galio is a tanky anti-mage champion who can play in the Mid Lane or Duo Lane as a Support. Galio has a lot of Crowd Control at his disposal, the ability to push his lane and, therefore, roam freely to help his teammates. Galio is one of the best counters against champions that deal a lot of magic damage thanks to Shield of Durand's passive, where Galio gains a magic shield on top of his health bar.
Make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page for playing Galio in the Duo Lane as a Support.
Enhances Galio's next auto attack to deal AOE magic damage.
Colossal Smash is one of Galio's primary consistent sources of damage between using his abilities. Since Colossal Smash does AOE damage, it can help you push minion waves and look to roam. Colossal Smash has a short cooldown; you will know when it's available when you hear a ding and Galio's body starts to glow.
Galio fires two windblasts that deal magic damage and converge into a tornado. The tornado deals magic damage over a few seconds.
Winds of War is Galio's primary damaging ability and farming tool. It's best to use Winds of War when a target is already crowd-controlled by Shield of Durand or an ally's ability so you can get the full value.
Passive: Every 12 seconds, upon taking damage, Galio gains a shield that absorbs magic damage.
Hold & Release: Galio enters a defensive stance, slowing himself for a few seconds and taking reduced magic and physical damage. When released, Galio deals magic damage and taunts nearby enemies.
Shield of Durand is Galio's primary team fighting tool that provides a lot of tankiness and Crowd Control. Having a higher passive shield increases the effectiveness of your Ultimate Hero's Entrance due to the passive shield being shared with all in its radius.
Galio dashes forward until he hits an enemy champion or terrain, dealing magic damage and knocking up enemies hit.
Justice Punch is best used when coming out of bushes to surprise enemies. If you use Justice Punch first, make sure you use the cc time to position to use Shield of Durand taunt. When using Justice Punch, there is a charge where you will dash back before you dash forward. A cool trick you can do with Justice Punch is using the jump back at the start to your advantage to catch out the enemies.
Galio grants Shield of Durand's passive shield for a few seconds to all allied champions near the target and designated the position as his landing spot. After a few seconds, Galio arrives at the location, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and knocking them up.
Hero's Entrance is a great Ultimate that allows Galio to follow up on any engagement your team might do or save your teammates from dying. Hero's Entrance is a semi-global ultimate and has a huge range. When you play mid-lane Galio, all you need to do is walk a bit towards the top or bottom river, and then you are within range to use it on an ally champion in the top or bottom lane.
Infinity Orb helps with Galio's burst damage when he crowd controls enemies for a long duration. This allows him to Critically Strike enemies for bonus damage when they're low on Health.
Rabadon's Deathcap increases Galio's overall Ability Power, increasing his magic shield and burst damage potential from all his abilities.
Awakened Soulstealer helps Galio's burst potential and allows you to use your abilities sooner after getting a takedown. This means you can continue crowd-controlling enemies after using them.
For runes, we have the following:
Electrocute helps Galio deal extra burst damage and is easy to proc with all of his crowd control abilities. Shield of Durand and Justice Punch, followed with another ability or auto attack with instantly proc Electrocute.
Sudden Impact gives Galio bonus true damage after you use Justice Punch or Hero's Entrance to help with your burst damage.
Since Empowered Attack only works on champions, this will give Galio a lot of extra damage when auto-attacking with Colossal Smash.
Eyeball Collector gives Galio more Ability Power every time he gets a takedown.
Zombie Ward can also be a good choice if you often roam and look to kill wards.
With Galio, you will be dashing towards enemy champions to try and land your combo, which means you will be vulnerable to taking a lot of damage. Bone Plating will help Galio take reduced damage, which will help him survive longer.
Galio can struggle in the early game as a melee champion. You want to stay back and use Galio's Winds of War to last hit minions or poke down the enemy. Once you hit level 3, you can look for opportunities to engage with your crowd control and burst damage. This works exceptionally well when your jungler is there to help, as your crowd control helps them deal more damage.
In the late game, you should be looking for picks against enemies who are out of position and away from the rest of their team. With your items and runes, you can do a crazy amount of burst damage. You should also look for opportunities to use Hero's Entrance to join a teamfight to knockup the enemies and save your team.
Galio is a very versatile champion who can build towards damage with Ability Power or tankiness with Magic Resist and still have all his abilities scale extremely well. His huge amount of Crowd Control can make a huge difference in teamfights and help carry your team.
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