Orianna is a control mage champion. She is a mid-laner that uses her abilities to control a team fight, wave clear, and burst down the enemies. She excels in team fights in the mid and late game, using her ball to control the enemies and get a huge Shockwave to deal a lot of damage. She doesn't do too well in the early game as she doesn't have a lot of mobility to escape, and you need time to scale and get your core items.
Orianna does excellent with most ability power items. Her main source of damage is from all her abilities. Archangel's Staff is a core item for Orianna since she'll be using her ball to Attack, Dissonance and Protect a lot during the game. This means the extra mana you get from Archangels will help Orianna throughout the game. After Archangel's, you want to build a lot of Ability Power to increase your damage from her Command abilities.
With runes, we have the following:
Orianna can hit enemy champions from a distance with Command Attack and slow them with Command Dissonance, this will help stack Conqueror giving Orianna more damage.
Sweet Tooth helps Orianna gain more health and mana from Honey Fruit. This will help Orianna stay in lane longer and trade more aggressively.
Ability Power mages like Orianna love to build as much Ability Haste as possible so she can use her abilities more often.
Nimbus Cloak is very effective on Orianna; when she uses Flash, she will gain Movement Speed to get into range to use her abilities and combos
As a Mage, Orianna will be one of the main focuses for the enemy team to try to take down. However, Bone Plating will help Orianna take reduced damage from the first three instances of damage, which can save her life.
Orianna is a champion that needs time to get her core items and get levels to scale up into the late game. During the laning phase, the best thing you can do is stack your Archangel's Staff as fast as possible. This means using your abilities to clear the wave and poke down the enemy. Pushing the wave also benefits Orianna because this means that the enemy mid-lane doesn't have an opportunity to engage.
The later the game goes, the stronger Orianna becomes. You want to stay with your team at all times and try not to get caught out by yourself. You don't do well at all in a 1 vs 1 situation. You can use your Dissonance to speed up your allies or slow down enemies. You can also use Protect to shield your allies and get your ball in a better position so you can get a huge Shockwave to change a team fight.
If you want a champion that uses her abilities to control team fights and can farm and push waves pretty safely in the mid lane then Orianna is a perfect champion for you.
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