Gnar is a fighter who can play in the Solo Lane or Jungle. He's an extremely versatile champion who fits into almost any team composition. Mini Gnar has damage, poke, sustain and mobility, whilst Mega Gnar gives more tankiness and crowd control with his ultimate GNAR! Being a ranged champion in Mini Gnar makes Gnar one of the safest picks to play in Solo Lane since he can keep his distance from other Solo Lane champions.
Mini Gnar Combo:
Mega Gnar Combo:
Dealing or taking damage generates Rage. At max Rage, Gnar's abilities will change, and the next ability transforms him into Mega Gnar for 15 seconds.
Mini Gnar gains movement speed, increased attack range and attack speed. Mega Gnar gains Health, Armor, Magic Resist and Attack Damage.
Gnar's Rage is extremely important to understand and master. Stacking before a teamfight means you can transform and make a massive difference in fights with Mega Gnar. However, sometimes you might stack Rage too fast and transform before a fight starts, wasting the opportunity to carry with Mega Gnar.
Mini Gnar: Gnar throws a boomerang that deals physical damage and slows enemies for a few seconds. The boomerang returns to Gnar after hitting the target. Catching the boomerang reduces its cooldown.
Boomerang Throw is used to poke enemies and help you clear minion waves. The return direction is determined by which direction Gnar is heading.
Mega Gnar: Gnar throws a boulder, dealing physical damage and slowing the target hit for a few seconds. Picking up the boulder within a few records reduces its cooldown.
Boulder Toss is harder to hit and has a longer animation. You usually only use Boulder Toss when the enemy is stunned to guarantee the hit.
Mini Gnar: Every third attack or ability on the same enemy deals additional magic damage based on the target's max health and grants movement speed that decays over a few seconds. Hyper's active gives Gnar attack speed for a few seconds.
Hyper's movement speed stacks on top of Fleet Footwork and Trinity Force, making it difficult for enemies to lock you down. Hyper also helps Gnar shred through tanks and bruisers that build health.
Mega Gnar: Gnar smashes down on the area in front of him, dealing physical damage in an area and stunning for over a second.
Wallop makes it easier for Gnar to hit his other abilities, including his ultimate GNAR!
Mini Gnar: Leaps to a location. If Gnar lands on a unit, he will bounce off it, travelling further in the same direction.
Hop has a long cooldown in the early game so only use aggressively when you are guaranteed to get a kill. Gnar can also transform into Mega Gnar whilst you are jumping on a unit.
Mega Gnar: Gnar leaps to a location, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies on landing.
Crunch is mainly used to clear minion waves and gap close to get into range to use Wallop and GNAR!
Mega Gnar: Knocks back enemies around him, dealing physical damage and slowing them. GNAR!'s damage to enemies knocked back into a wall increases and stuns them instead of slowing.
GNAR! can win an entire teamfight when finding the right angle and knocking multiple enemies towards a wall. Always aim to hit enemies against the wall or push them towards your team.
Trinity Force is the best well-rounded item for Gnar. It gives AD, Attack Speed, HP and Ability Haste, meaning that the stats go well with Mini and Mega Form.
Black Cleaver gives Gnar movement speed, which stacks with Trinity Force, and armor reduction is great against tanks and bruisers.
Sterak's Gage is a great option that gives Gnar a lot of health, which benefits both Mini and Mega forms. The lifeline passive can also save your life when jumping in to try and engage with GNAR!
For the runes, we have the following:
Fleet Footwork excels with Gnar's aggressive playstyle during the early game. The double auto attack in Mini Form can help you proc Hyper quicker to deal more damage.
Nullifying Orb is excellent for when Gnar drops low on health when he jumps in. It can save you and bait the enemy into thinking you are already dead.
Bone Plating helps Gnar take reduced damage from melee champions who want to fully engage.
When you are farming with Gnar, you'll be able to gain free health throughout the game, making him difficult to kill.
Brutal gives Gnar's auto attacks more damage, giving him a lot of power in the early game to take trades and maybe even solo kill early on.
Gnar is one of the biggest lane bullies in the game. In Mini Form, use Boomerang Throw and auto attacks to poke enemy champions and proc Hyper to deal bonus damage and gain movement speed. When transforming to Mega Form, you become weaker and don't have a lot of agency to engage without your ultimate. It's best to clear waves and wait until you change back into Mini Form to take advantage of the extra range. Hop has a long cooldown early on, so only use aggressively when you know you are safe to do so.
In the late game, Gnar's primary goal is to transform into Mega Form at the perfect time and try to knock back multiple enemies to win a fight. To transform at the ideal time, you'll need to balance your rage and ensure you don't transform before a big fight happens. Always look to group with your team and focus on objectives. If you need to fill your rage bar quickly, focus on attacking minions and monsters.
Overall, Gnar is a strong champion to play in the Solo Lane or Jungle. He has high mobility and epic engage potential to change a teamfight. He can be hard to master with managing your rage bar, but once you get past that hurdle, he becomes a great carry.
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